Thank You.

Hi There,
This is James and Lisanne writing. Well, tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow, Indie Game: The Movie is releasing to the world! This day has been two years in making :)Working on this film for the past two+ years has provided the most challenging, fulfilling and life changing experiences our careers. Seriously, words really can’t express how much this film, and making this film, means to us.
We wanted to take a moment before the craziness of tomorrow, to say a heart-felt Thank you. None of this would have been possible without the online support we and the film received. Not only things like Kicksarter funding (40% of our final budget), it goes well-beyond that. From day one, the idea of this film was warmly received by many, many people. That reception played a massive role in giving this film life and bringing it into existence.
So, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU so much. Thank you for your interest, your support, your tweets, your good vibes, everything. It means a lot and has made a real difference.
Tomorrow you will be able to see the film, and we really hope you like it.
We hope that it was worth your early support, trust and attention. And we hope the experience encourages continued support for other artists. People took a chance on us, and we hope this film encourages more people to take even more chances on others.
The Internet is a powerful thing. It changed our lives and made this movie possible.
Thank You Internet.Sincerely,
James and Lisanne
P.s. If you watch the film and you do like it, please tell a friend or two. The success of this film (and hopefully more like it) depends tremendously on word of mouth, any chatting / recommending you can do would be hugely appreciated!
Reader Comments (13)
It's now midnight in Winnipeg... Silently, excitedly waiting from here in Australia.
Thank you for all your hard work, I am anticipating this with great excitement.
And what a journey it has been for those of us following you. You deserve equal thanks for letting us tag along the entire way.
Damn to day steam add more langague i m realy bored because I pre order from indie shop( for more langague) but sure steam is better so now steam have the same langague thx i loose my money .Never pre order now ...... bad day for me ...
Just watched the movie, really enjoyed it. I had really high expectations, but as expected, you mangaged to fulfill them.
First I thought that having such great developers - and not just game designers, real personalities - would be enough to have a great movie. It's just not that easy; to put everything together that good (not just cutting, filming, etc) and create this whole thing is quite a remarkable perfomance.
Phil suprised me most of all the developers. You know the name, a picture and some quotes and all that stuff, but to be that close and see the real story, intentions and feelings behind the work is unbelievable. I probably haven't seen it because I wasn't looking hard enough - and I know this might sound all cheesy - but thanks for showing. In a certain way it improves the gaming experience.
Finished watching the movie now and I can only thank you! What a incredible experience!
Thank YOU guys for making this film real!
Had been eagerly awaiting this film for weeks. Just finished watching it and... What a masterpiece. Truly inspirational.
Count me in for buying the Special Edition.
Hello James Swirsky and Lisanne Pajot. Some days ago I prepurchased Indie Game: The Movie.Today I saw it and this the best film I ever saw.
But the problem is that I live in Russia, but the film does not even have Russian subtitles.I can understand film on English, but a lot of people in my country, who want see and buy indie Game:The Movie can not understand English.
I wanted to add my own subtitles, but then it occurred to me that perhaps there is an option to add them to the official version.I can translate subtitles on russian, and if it's possible, I hope you can add them in the movie.
WE have to thank YOU for doing this. Thank you so much for showing my girlfriend the magic behind the games. Great movie. Thank you for showing the world what indie games are all about and what great people are behind all this.
nice nic nic nicen
I had somewhat of an idea of how hard, but rewarding it must be to be an indie game developer; but seeing these 'true to life' stories evolve is overwhelmingly inspiring to me being in a creative field as well. It's also amazing how much of an impact the gaming community's comments impact the guys behind the games. I think out of any other entertainment medium, gamers are the most brutal critics. To an extent this is great for feedback, but it's also an eye opener for how much people need to sit back and be constructive, not destructive.
Anyways, this was one of the best documentaries I've seen in years and will be extremely hard to top. Thank-you to all involved.
I would really like a German subtitle version of the movie. I am a German game designer and would love to show the movie to my parents so they can see what I do for a living.
This is a late response since I watched this on release (and a couple times since), but I too would like to thank you for crafting an excellent film. I'd actually highly recommend it to people who know very little about games, since the passion of the developers and artists are what truly shines, and that feeling is universally understood. The fact that the subject matter is incredibly entertaining is almost enough, but that it's beautifully shot and edited with an excellent soundtrack from Jim Guthrie (which has been stuck on loop in my car) just really pushes it over the top.
Keep being awesome guys; I hope to see more from you in the future.
Thank you for making this movie. I enjoyed watching every minute of it. Also thank you for making it available for direct international purchase so I can get it when I want it while being sure that almost every cent goes directly to the people who made this. I hope (I really do) that this is not the last documentary you two come up with.