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Entries from November 28, 2010 - December 4, 2010


TIGJam Round-Up

In October, we were doing some filming at TIGJam - San Francisco.  This is our second TIGJam while filming, we also filmed at TIGJam - Winnipeg (aka PEGJam) earlier in the year.  Here's a look at that video, again.


The concept behind a ‘Game Jam’ is quite simple.  Basically, get talented, like-minded people together put them in a room for a weekend and let them create.  Ideas are exchanged, thoughts pollinate the air and contacts are made. And every so often, by the end of the weekend, brilliant things may emerge in partial or fully formed execution.

But alas, productivity is kind of besides the point, the vibe of most jams seem to revolve around meeting new people, learning new things and getting a heavy dose of inspiration.  It’s a beautiful thing really - something that every industry should try implementing in some fashion.
So, we were there for 2 days and did a lot of filming.

At the end of each day, a few TIGJammers are asked to give a small, COMPLETELY IMPROMPTU talk about ‘What’s on their mind’. We had our cameras handy, and knew that not everyone who wanted to be there could make it, so we thought we’d record the talks and put them up - rough and uncut...relatively uncut :)

The TIGJam Talks Uncut include;
Scott Anderson
Matthew Wegner
Marc ten Bosch
Brendan Mauro
Timonthy Fitz
Derek Yu & Andy Hull

And, here's some behind the scenes shots of us filming at TIGJam SF, taken by the multi-talented, Matthew Wegner (founder of Flashbang Studios, and organizer of the Independant Games Festival).


Vote IGTM for Mashable Award

Indie Game: The Movie is making a run at a Mashable Award for Best Web Video.

If you like IGTM, and would like to help, please nominate, 'indiegamethemovie.com' here. Or, click the button above.

Voting ends tomorrow (Monday, Dec. 29th at 11:59 PM EST)!

We're a little late in game, but we thought we'd try. :)