Binding of Isaac: Origins

Hey Everyone!
Crazy to think, but today, Edmund's game 'The Binding of Isaac' turns three!
BOI Interview: To celebrate, we wanted to share a piece that is a part of the IGTM Special Edition. It’s an extended interview we did with Edmund post-IGTM, post-BOI, in which he shares the origin story of BOI. It’s a compelling story and some really nice insight into Ed’s creative process. Check it out below.
BOI Rebirth: Also, super excited news, if you haven't heard it yet. BOI is getting a remake. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a wholly new, much-expanded, completely-re-done version of the amazing BOI.
The game is coming out November 4th on Steam (followed by a ton of other platforms sometime later), and is currently up for preorder here. Protip: If you already own BOI, a preorder will get you a 33% discount.
Want to See More? And if you’d like it and want to see more, you should consider picking up the IGTM Special Edition, which contains the original IGTM film, plus an additional 130 minutes of short films, epilogues and interviews like this one. For BOI Fans in particular, there is another interview about BOI Design included in the IGTM Special Ediiton.
Special Edition Discount: Use the code ‘ISAAC!’ and receive 50% off the IGTM Special Edition.
Hope you enjoy.
Now go preorder Isaac!
-J & L
Reader Comments (1)
I'm confused, I have the Special Edition on Steam, but I can't seem to find this interview or the other piece on Isaac design, unless they're both just segments in Edmund's Epilogue or one of the others.