The Special Edition is on iTunes

The Special Edition of IGTM has made it's way on to iTunes!
The IGTM Special Edition (titled IG: Life After on iTunes) is a an anthology collection of completely new material. It is the ultimate companion to Indie Game: The Movie. Through the Special Edition/Life After, find out what happened after, discover new stories & developers and dive deeper into the film than you ever could before.
You can check it out here on iTunes. If you've already seen the SE, feel free to give it a rating and/or review - that would help a ton.
An Important Note with the iTunes Release:
We had to change the name from 'IGTM - Special Edition' to 'IGTM - Life After'. The reason for this was that on iTunes, the SE content is available only as a stand alone product, and not with the film bundled in. 'Special Edition' implies the original film is included, on iTunes it's two distinct packages.
...We know, we know, a bit confusing. Sorry about that :/
So, if you've already watched the Special Edition, Life After is the same thing. No need to check it out again...unless of course you want to :)
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