The Loyalty Bundle!

Just in time for Christmas, we're super happy to be part of something called the 'Loyalty Bundle'.
For just $15, you get...
This is Not a Conspiracy Theory
Rewind This!
& Indie Game: The Movie
If you've purchased any of these films from thier websites, you get the bundle for FREE!
It's a documentary film bundle that is not only a great deal - $15 for three great films - but also aims to reward those audience members who bought into IGTM and/or the other films in the bundle early.
Here's how it works:
1) If you've never bought any of the invloved movies before, purchase the bundle for $15 and enjoy these great docs.
2) If you've bought either IGTM, 'This is Not a Conspiracy Theory' or 'Rewind This' via Go to and claim the films.
We think it's a pretty cool idea (huge thanks to Kirby Ferguson from TINACT for putting this together). Hopefully you do to. Check it out here.
Merry Christmas!
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