The Economist Talks to IGTM

Some Digital Distribution Talk: Recently, we chatted with Glenn Fleishman from The Economist about the production and distribution of the film. It resulted in a fantastic discussion and a really nice article, which you can read here, if you'd like.
We've been doing some relatively new and unique things with IGTM (from a film-world perspective) and we're a big believer in sharing what we've learned and are still learning. We do plan to do some more in depth Post- Mortem posts and presentations in the future. If you're interested in that type of stuff, check out The Economist article and keep on watching this space. Also, if you have any specific production/distribution questions that'd you'd like answers to, let us know in the comments. We'll try to address them in the future (though do keep in mind, some things we can't share or aren't perhaps in a position to share just yet. But we'll do our best.)
Reader Comments (1)
I have a ton of questions guys ! :-D
1) how significant an outlay would you say it was to self-distribute?
2) would you say it worked out better than working with a larger marketing budget of a distributor?
3) How much did the indie cinemas help with the marketing of the movie? Do you think that the tour helped raise awareness of the movie or just
4) Did you employ a PR company for contacting press/blogs or did you handle that yourselves?
5) What would you say would be the most important thing that you have learned from this journey?
As I've said before guys, I love the movie and its a huge inspiration to see the success you guys have had.
Looking forward to your next project! :-D