I've Pre-Ordered, What's Next ...

Screenshot of the film's End Credit SequenceHi There!
We recently added a more in-depth message to people purchasing the preorders. It attempts to add a little more information as to the eventual delivery dates of the end products and answers some frequently asked questions.
It's a longer note, but here's the super short version: We have no exact dates set for delivery. The release schedule and rollout is still being worked on. And making sure preorder people are happy is one of our top priorities when considering the film's release...oh, and please be patient with us :)
So, here is what someone who's thinking about doing a preorder will want to read....
The Note:
This is James and Lisanne from Indie Game: The Movie. We just wanted to say a quick, but heartfelt, 'Thank You!' for your Preorder of the film.
Preorders helped make this film possible. Seriously. Without them, we couldn't have made the film we did. Even at this relatively late stage in the production, the preorders are hugely important and keep everything moving forward.
So, Thank You! Thank You so so much!
Now What?
Now, you've preordered and the film is not yet released. But what does this mean? How will you get your copy?
1. Digital Download PreOrders: You have not recieved a specific download link or code. This is normal. We have yet to decide on the final service we will be using for delivery. Don't be alarmed by this. There are many really solid, safe, good options out there. It is just not in place yet.
Once it is in place, and we are ready to release, you'll be sent download instructions, links and codes. We have your order and your email contact. You'll be recieving the information as soon as it's ready.
2. Standard DVD PreOrders: Once the physical standard DVD is close to ready to be released (which will be at the same time as the Digital Download), we'll be sending out 'Address confirmation emails'. People move, it happens. And if you do, you'll be able to change your address in time. Once addresses are confirmed, we'll ship out your DVD.
3. Special Edition DVD Preorders: Once the physical Special Edition DVD is close to readying to be released, we'll be sending out 'Address confirmation emails'. People move, it happens. And if you do, you'll be able to change your address in time. Once addresses are confirmed, we'll ship out your DVD.
When will the Special Edition be released? Here's where things get a little more tricky. We are going to work hard to make the Special Edition worth every extra penny you've spent on it. We want it to be jam-packed with content. As a result, we do expect a bit of a lag between the Special Edition and Standard Edition DVD delivery.
However, it makes zero sense to have the people who paid the most wait the longest to see the movie. We will make sure to get the Special Edition peoples a copy of the film on the same day that the DVD/Digital release happens. This will either be digitally or through a physical DVD (say, disc 1 of the eventual Special Edition set).
A Couple of Common Questions...
When: Things are still being figured out on the distribution side of things. We don't have specific dates just yet. Once we do, you'll be the first to know. But, in general, we'll be premiering the film at the Sundance Film Festival January 2012. After this we plan to show the film theatrically either through distribution or a limited screening tour. Following this, we will be working to release the DVD and Digital version of the film as soon as we can after.
Blu Ray: We hope to do Blu Ray. We think it's a definite possibility. If we do, you'll get the option to switch your order to Blu Ray if you so wish. If this happens, it will definitely happen before everything ships. We will not leave people who want Blu Ray stranded with a standard definition DVD. That wouldn't make sense. If we do Blu Ray, and you want Blu Ray, you'll get Blu Ray :)
A Closing Thought...
Again Thank You so much for your order. We really appreciate it. We're completely grateful for everything you've given us so far. But we're going to ask for one more thing: Your patience ... if needed ... but hopefully it's not.
We are two people doing this project. From the filming, to the editing, to this entire website. It's been just us (and the amazing muscial talents of Jim). We think we're doing a pretty good job on handling the task. But, this is our first time doing anything this big, and this complicated, and we're fully aware that we might slip up from time to time. If we do, we'll work to correct it as quickly as possible. We're hoping that any misteps will be few and far between, but it may happen. If there are any problems, we'll be here sorting through them - feel free to give us a shout.
Take Care! We totally can not wait to show you the film!
-James & Lisanne
Reader Comments (21)
Blu Ray! YES! I hope you do BR!
This can't get any better.
Go get Sundance!
Good luck to you, and bon courage.
Love what you are doing and the footage I've seen so far. Can't wait to see the finished product! Keep up the good work!
My younger brother and I just got back from your screening @ Sundance (Redstone 8) earlier today (Jan. 21st) and I throughly enjoyed this film beyond words. It was brilliantly done and spoke measures of the hard work it takes and pressures and stresses of making an indie game, and if you stick with it, how rewarding it all will be. I cannot believe what an impact it had on me. As being a student in video games in the EAE program at the U of Utah..this couldn't be a better film. I am so excited to pre-order the special edition dvd, and do hope you truly make a blu-ray of this!
This movie is awesome ! Hope it will release in few days or weeks ! I cant wait to watch it :D Good work guys and i hope to see more stuff like that :)
Keep up the good work , your doing great
Just preordered special edition - just wondering, since the payment included $7.99 CAD for shipping, will this cover international shipping, or will I need to pay extra when the item ships?
Hi David!
Thanks so much for the order! We really appreciate it!
No worries on the shipping - its 7.99 worldwide :)
Great job!
I wanted to know if the Dvd have any spanish subtitles!
Just want to know if the DVD will be region locked. Could you please answer cause I'm really looking forward to this? Thanks in advance!
Hey Omja,
Nope. No region locking on the DVD.
Thanks for asking!
I loved the trailer and can't wait to see the finished film. I wish that I could go and see this in theatres somewhere in the UK.
Re digital distribution: I was just wondering - have you guys considered contacting Valve about releasing the film via Steam? They have the worldwide distribution network to support it and it gives you Instant access to a target audiance of 40 million + gamers. :-)
They may even be happy to let you to give out steam codes for the film to everybody who has already pre-ordered. They do this for Indie games who sell elsewhere like with the Indie bundles all the time, and for giveaways for indie games on Reddit, why not for an Indie film?
Just a thought anyway - wishing you all the best.
Woa, I am really jealous to live in Germany when I see the trailer and read here ... Guys, will it screen in Europe eventually? Or are we supposed to wait for a downloadable version (digital copy) ?
There are some festivals here too, like in Berlin, or Lichter in Frankfurt, etc ...
Best rgds,
Hi !
We are so excited waiting for your film!. I work for an independent company as well. And we saw your trailer and we decided to buy a digital copy so we can watch it together (we are just 4 people) and learn something that we hope will be good for us.
I wish you the best, to both of you, and we will be waiting to hear more news about this film. You got new fans over here (Cali, Colombia and Dallas, Texas) :D kudos! :)
It's a very good project! I'm sorry that I missed your announcement about fund-raising on KickStarter. Make more movies about games! Thank you!
I have tickets to my local showing in early May! Can't wait to see it!
Will the pre-order option still be around then? I want to check out the full movie before I dedicate myself to the special edition.
Also. . . REALLY hoping there will be a Bluray! Please make it happen!
Will this film be getting a screening in Australia at all? I saw the trailer a while back and I am really keen to see this movie!!
Also if I preorder the DVD on the website, can it be posted internationally?
- Tim
Quick question:
What resolution will the digitally downloaded video be?
My wish here would be to be able to watch it in HD, so if the digital download version is in HD I'll be fine with that, but if it's in standard definition it might make more sense to just order the DVD and hope you decide to go through with a Blu-ray release.
Hey Richard,
The digital will be available in both 1080 and 720P. It will be a H.264 codec in an Mpeg4 wrapper.
BLuRay: there is a very good chance it is happening. If it is a go, all preorder people will get the option to upgrade b/f their order goes out (if offering BR - we'd never leave people hanging with DVD if they'd rather have BR)
Thanks for asking!
Hey Tim,
We just announced a Melbourne screening at the ACMI, June 8th! :)
And yep, DVDs ship internationally (shipping cost is added upon checkout)
Thanks for writint in!