Our First Preview!

Basil Tsiokos of 'What (Not) to Doc' featured Indie Game: The Movie as part of his 2012 Sundance Docs in Focus series. This is the first thing we've recieved that is close to a review of the film (it's not a full-blown review at all, it's a preview). He said some lovely things about the film, inlcuding this...
Why You Should Watch:
While they explore game culture, Swirsky and Pajot smartly avoid a too-insular focus which might have condemned their doc strictly to gamers. Instead, through surprisingly intimate and honest interviews, the film addresses more universal concerns like the need for acceptance and success. The result is an unexpectedly personal and strangely affecting film that should resonate for non-gamers as much, or perhaps even more, than for the theoretical target audience.
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