Special Feature: Team Meat Audio Commentary

Here's a fun little extra that is in the works...
We are super happy to announce that Edmund and Tommy (Team Meat) will be doing a bonus audio commentary track for the film. We're super excited to have this happen. If you've ever listened to Tommy & Edmund on various podcast, interviews, etc. you already know that they can be quite entertaining.
However, that aside, the film will definitely have moments that beg for a bit of 'follow up' from the subjects. Hopefully, this will provide a bit of that. To that end, we'll definitely be after others in the film to do the same, but this is something that Edmund & Tommy volunteered to do - so we thought it's enough of a lock to announce.
Should be good...
Reader Comments (6)
This is either the most insane or most most insane and best idea.
It's definitely one of those two.
Actually, I imagine it's both simultaneously. Quite looking forward to all these extras!
I've seen that photo so many times but I smile every time.
You two are original and the mold was definately broken when you two were made. Apprieciate you with all my heart. Keep up the good work, you will surely be rewarded!
Love you, love you,
Auntie cousin
You two are original and the mold was definately broken when you two were made. Apprieciate you with all my heart. Keep up the good work, you will surely be rewarded!
Love you, love you,
Auntie cousin