Special Edition Preview: ThatGameCompany

More on the Indie Game: The Movie Special Edition...
We spent some time in the Santa Monica offices of That Game Company. We spoke to Jenova Chen and Kellee Santiago. They shared their philosophy on gamemaking and the stories behind the making on their award-winning titles, (yep, that's a BAFTA award below in their studio), Flow, Flower and the upcoming, Journey.
You can Preorder the Special Edition via PayPal or our (soon-to-be-ending) Kickstarter.
Reader Comments (4)
Link to buy special edition broken... please fix! i want it!
So, just to get things straight, do I have to buy the SE in order to see the footage about thatgamecompany? Btw I can't wait for the film!
Hey Moritz,
Right now, yep. At least for the main TGC piece. There *may* be a web piece or two that concentrate on smaller topics put out online. But, currently, we plan to keep the Special Edition content relatively special.
Thanks so much for writing in, and totally glad you're digging the film so far :)
Take Care,
Thanks for the response James,
If I could I would preoder the SE right now, but sadly I'm too young to have a paypal account and I don't think that I can convince my father to preorder a DVD for 70$ (30$ maybe, that's why I ask, also I would like to donate...). I would love to see footage of how things are going at TGC, how they work etc., because one day I would like to work there as a game designer, their games are really inspiring. So, yeah it's a pitty that I won't see that, but anyway, good luck with the film and again I can't wait for it!
Greetings from Germany