Indie Game: The Movie is in Sundance!

Hey Everybody!
We have some pretty amazing news...
Indie Game: The Movie will make its world premiere as an official selection in the World Documentary Competition at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival!
Sundance is one of the top film festivals in the world and the premiere showcase for independent cinema. Last year, 3,812 feature films were submitted (796 in the world doc category), likely more this year. Of those films, only 14 were selected for competition in the World Documentary Category.
We are exceptionally thrilled, humbled and, actually, kind of numbed by this honor. It’s surreal to think that Indie Game: The Movie has been invited to the same festival that introduced the world to the likes of: Super Size Me, Born Into Brothels, Man on Wire, The Cove and Waiting for Superman.
...that’s kind of a heavy club to think about joining.
Like many of the video games & designers featured in the film, we’re a tiny team (two people made the film from front to back) aiming to create to something new. Something personal. Something with meaning.
Our film looks to be one of the very first film on video game design to be featured at such a high level. Being able to expose a wider slice of the world to the passion, drives, and dreams that reside behind video games themselves is a mind-blowing privilege.
Having this film invited to one of the most prestigious festivals in the world certainly wasn’t on the agenda when, 18 months ago, we hopped into our Toyota Yaris and started bouncing around North America. We were two people with a couple of cameras, a rough script and the crowd-sourced support of a small but fantastic fan base.
From inception to the finished product, so many people have helped and supported this film. We are extremely thankful to everyone who has ever tweeted, blogged, or even mentioned our film. And of course, we literally could not have made this film without the generous preorder support people showed during our Kickstarter campaigns. That early support was crucial in growing this film into what it is now.
We are indebted to so many of you. This whole experience has been a life changing, dream come true. Thank You so much. We can not wait to share the film with you!
"Soooo, when can we see it?"
We’re are working out the details of a preview screening tour that will start after Sundance.
- Our first post-Sundance screening will be in our hometown Winnipeg on Feb. 3, 2012, see details here or
- After the festival screenings and the tour, we’ll be releasing the digital and DVD versions of the film.
- For updates on the tour and the release, sign-up for the mailing list.
- If want to see Indie Game: The Movie in your town, or if you’re part of an organization that would like to screen the film, please send in a request here. We may not be able to respond to every one, but we do read and consider every submission. These requests help know where to bring the film first. This process has helped find organizations and venues that we’re working with, right now.
So, thanks again for all your support over this past year and a half!
Spreading the word, telling your friends about the trailer, tweeting and sharing the Facebook page - all these things have really helped and we deeply appreciate it. :)
Take Care,
James & Lisanne
Reader Comments (10)
Congrats! How awesome is that!? Hello hollywood.
That's fantastic! Congratulations!
Holy Sh....t, This is absolutely fantastic. Love, love, love the trailer!
So awesome, congratulations :-D
CONGRATS! This is very very awesome. Great for Indie Games, great for Canadian film, great for crowdfunding. Kudos on the amazing work from the two of you!
This is terrific news, but it kinda sucks to have to wait until the festival ends to get to watch it.
:'( I was hoping to watch it by christmas.
You should at least throw more short clips now and then to feed our eagerness. :)
Hey Israel,
Yeah, I hear ya. Believe me, we are dying to start showing this film! It hurts to have to delay, and I imagine even moreso for people who've been following the film for as long as you have (which we super appreciate btw)
But being in Sundance will help get the film and its stories out to so many more people than we ever thought.
More clips would be great. We'll try to put up as much as we can. Unfortunately, with just two people working on the film, this becomes a very big task very quickly. But, we're big into sharing, so we'll see what we can do.
Thanks for writing in,
Take Care,
I'm gonna sure me and my brother will attend this festival.
I cant describe how excited I am for this movie. This has really inspired me to make my own documentary. Thanks guys
Thank You so much Lasse. That's kinda the biggest compliment you could ever give.
This film is the pretty direct result of various moments of being inspired by others. So it's really cool to think that we might be passing that forward in some little way.
Good luck with your project & thanks for taking the time to write. Totally appreciate it!