Showing The Film (To The People In The Film)

Hey Everybody,
Last week we took a quick trip to Montreal to visit Phil Fish and Renaud Bedard, the designer and programmer (respectively) of FEZ. With the film pretty much all but done, we are ready to start showing this thing that we’ve spent the last 18 months working on.
However, before we began to think public, or even casual, showings of the film. It was incredibly important that we personally show IGTM to the people directly involved in it. Up until this point, roughly 10 people had seen the film. The thought process being: We were exceptionally privileged to capture some incredibly raw, emotional moments while filming this movie. Moments that (we think) make for a very powerful, very true and very inspiring film.
But on the flip side, these are moments of openness and relative vulnerability on the part of the people we were interviewing. We know how nerve-wrecking it can be to have shared so much with a film crew, and have no idea how its going to turn out. In the time between filming and the finished product, tons of scenarios naturally start to play out in your head. Worries can begin to build up.
We wanted to alleviate these worries as much, and as soon as possible by showing Edmund, Tommy, Jon and Phil the film before pretty much anyone else. Above all, we really wanted to avoid them hearing about the film’s content from someone else.
So, we’ve recently personally showed to each of the main developers involved. In many ways, the last year and a half was a build up to these screenings. The eventual premiere will indeed be special, but showing it to these guys was rewarding (and scary) beyond words. We’ve spent such a long time, living and working with their stories. We are now incredibly attached to and protective of their portrayal.
We wanted to know that we did right by their stories.
So earlier this year, we made it down to Santa Cruz and San Francisco, where we showed Tommy, Edmund and Jon the film. Edmund & Tommy may be writing their thoughts someday soon, so we won’t talk too much about it. But we will say the screening went off really really well. And everyone responded to the film in fantastically well - kind of a dream response really :)
Going into last week, Phil & Renaud were the last people on our list that we had/needed to show before going forward with any other screenings. So, we made our way to Montreal for a couple of days. We showed Phil the film on Day 1 and 2. Plus, we squeezed in a nice little follow-up ‘Where’s FEZ now?’ shoot (Special Edition multitasking!).
So, on Tuesday of last week, we sat in the dark, watching the film with Phil for 96 minutes. Our ears were perked, ours bodies exceptionally tense as we watched Phil watching out of the corners of our eyes. Desperately (and somewhat futilely) trying to gauge reaction. In such a situation, you can’t help make note of every laugh, lack-of-laugh, fidget, body repositioning .... anything to give you an indication. Ninety percent of the time, you’re likely over-reading signals, and creating a non-existant narrative - but you can’t help it.
It must be absolutely surreal to watch one’s self go through some of the most stressful, most rewarding periods of one’s life edited together and shown ON A SEVEN FOOT SCREEN* ... SET TO MUSIC ... COMPLIMENTED WITH GRAPHICS.
We can’t imagine how odd that must be. So, even though we think we did a good job, and we think did Phil’s story justice, we’ve been living with this film for so long, perspective becomes a foggy thing, and you don't really know what to expect.
So after an hour and a half of us cluelessly watching Phil watch the film, the lights came up and this happened...
One of the most rewarding (and relieving) moments of our careers ... seriously.
*we were in a pretty nice setup
Reader Comments (19)
wow...cant wait to see it
Great to hear that guys; I know this film is going to blow me and everyone away. The trailer still blows me away! You guys should be proud.
I've also started crying when he says "Good Movie" (thumbs up).
Great job guys, I can only imagine how that feels for you, but that's pretty well earned.
I literally watch the trailer any time I want to get inspired. I can't fucking wait for this movie.
What is the song playing in the background?
@guest It's 'Trust' by Jim Guthrie. It's from his album 'A Thousand Songs'.
It plays over the closing credits.
You can grab the track here:
Thanks for asking!
Thanks, awesome song :) You guys rock, can't wait to see the movie!
aaah!!! You guys gotta stop pumping me up about the movie! Im too pumped. Im overpumped. Gotta see it. Gotta see dat movie.
So great! Loved reading about your screenings and watching Phil's response! Way to go!
+Over 9000 for Phil response. WE trusted you, and WE can see that you done EPIC job. Congrats!
This is really cool. I am a huge fan of independent gaming, and the community behind it. I have friends that program in the Unity engine and in Java already However, I have always wanted to make my own games, or at least be a part of one somehow whether it is the story, art, or concept design.
Seeing his heartfelt reaction reassures me that I have made a very good investment. I recently bought the special edition. Money is hard for me to come by nowadays, but I don't care. This is worth it. Seriously guys, props to you. I can tell this will be absolutely fantastic and inspirational. :) Brofist allthe way.
This movie inspired me to go into Indie Game Development. Thank you.
This movie did actually inspire me to become a indie developer. Before i was planning on working at some big company, but after that movie I want to be independent. I have actually gotten some friends together and we are trying to start our first game.
Wow! That's really cool to hear, Patrick. Hope all is going well for you. It's a lot of work but satisfying to make something for yourself. :)
I've been totally inspired by this movie, it was perfect.
This movie has inspired me to get into indie game development. I'm 13 and already working on my second game. Great work guys.
This movie has inspired me to get into indie game development. I'm 13 and already working on my second game. Great work guys.
This movie did actually inspire me to become a indie developer. Before i was planning on working at some big company, but after that movie I want to be independent. I have actually gotten some friends together and we are trying to start our first game.Reverse Cell Phone Lookup
This movie has inspired me to get into indie game development. I'm 13 and already working on my second recurve bows