Whoa. Goal Reached ... in 24 HOURS ?!?!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 9:49AM
J + L in 24 hours, Announcements, Indie Game the Movie, News, Supporters, kickstarter

Wow.  We didn’t expect this. You guys are amazing. 

One week ago, with the film in a relatively good place, we started putting together a trailer for this film.  After 25 separate revisions and a huge guiding hand from Jim’s music, we ended up with something that we quite liked, and something that we thought others would like too.

We had no idea people would like it this much :)

It’s now been just over 24 hours since we launched the trailer and ‘Final Push’ campaign for the film.  What’s transpired has totally blown us away.  We’ve been completely taken aback, humbled and inspired by the experience.

In less than 25 hours, we were able to reach our Kickstarter goal.  The campaign currently stands at $36,493 from a very generous, big-hearted collection of 781 people.  Including the fantastic, super-supportive-from-day-one Jeff Lindsay, who we will proudly be taking his place in the credits as one of the film’s ‘Executive Producers’

It is near-impossible to communicate how grateful we are to you all.  It’s exceptionally gratifying to see how much the community wants to see this film made.  And we intend to do just that.

Question: You Hit The Target, Do We Keep Going?  

We hope so :)  It'll continue to make the film better and we can very much make use of any overage.  Plus, we always wanted the campaign to resemble more of a preorder drive than a donation campaign.  We've structured the rewards as such, and we hope if people dig the project, they'll continue to preorder their copy.

The total raised is already ear-marked for specific post production expenses, but money  raised beyond the goal mark will allow us to add to the production value and audience experience even further (tasks like adding items & flourishes that we thought we wouldn’t be able to, an extra trip or two to film a new special edition piece, etc)

All in all, we are going to be working on this thing and making it as good as it can be until they pry it out of our still-editing fingers on the way to the premiere.

Over the past 24 hours, we’ve tweeted & emailed  tons of ‘Thank You’s’ but it still doesn’t seem to do the trick for us.  

So, we are going to honour this fantastic demonstration of support the absolute best and most honest way we know how... 

...We’re going right back to work.

We’ll still be around to answer any questions, but we have a film to finish :)

Thank you to each person who we filmed/consulted with, the indie game community and absolutely everyone who supported us with their tweets, preorders, posts, kind words and inspiration.  It’s kinda been the best day ever

Thank You.


James & Lisanne

Article originally appeared on Indie Game: The Movie - A Video Game Documentary (http://www.indiegamethemovie.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.