Official Trailer Release & New Campaign
Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 10:01AM
J + L in Announcements, Indie Game the Movie, documentary, kickstarter, trailer, video game documentary


Hey Everybody!  Big day today.  Today, we are very proud to debut of the OFFICIAL trailer for Indie Game: The Movie.

Indie Game: The Movie - The Official Trailer

We hope you like it.  We hope it entertains, inspires and maybe even surprises a little bit.  We’ve kept pretty quiet on the specifics of what is and isn’t in the movie.  This is not part of master secretive marketing plan, we can assure you.  It is simply due to the fact that this film has been a moving target for us.  Actually scratch that, it’s been an evolving target.  We talked a bit about the process to get us to the film you see preview above in this post

 Which naturally brings us to announcement number two...


Join Us In Finishing the Movie:

We have started a new Kickstarter campaign in order to help properly finish the film.  Currently, we're done filming and have a very solid rough cut (actually 3 full iterations).  The finish line is wonderfully close and we're on target to have IGTM complete in mid-August.

So far, we’ve done everything ourselves on this project. The producing, directing, cinematography, editing, and writing for the feature film and all the web videos we’ve made during the process. But, now we need some help from others and support to get the feature film done right and taken to the next level, technically-speaking.

We're looking for help with the finishing costs of the feature film (audio, colour, and mastering) in order to make this movie the best possible version of itself.

To date, this project has been solely funded by the original Kickstarter campaign, website pre-orders and personal savings (often ill-advised in the film world :)   

If you like what you see in the trailer and on the website, please consider pre-ordering your copy today either through Kickstarter or this website (left hand column). These pre-orders are really help us make the film better.

And, if you’ve already supported us - thank you so much. The support of the community has helped with funds, but also creatively. It feels so good to know that people appreciate your work - which is a core element of the film as well.

Please pass on the trailer and tell your friends about the project. We hope to get a lot of people to see this film, hear these stories and learn more about indie games. Many thanks!


-James & Lisanne

Article originally appeared on Indie Game: The Movie - A Video Game Documentary (
See website for complete article licensing information.